Marianella Sclavi has taught Urban Ethnography at the Polytechnic University of Milan from 1992 to 2008. She is an expert and consultant in both conflict resolution and participatory approaches to decision making. In 2008 she has founded the Ascolto Attivo sas (Active Listening consultant firm). and has been working as a facilitator and consultant in many participatory programs for local governments , public and private associations and schools. Writer of many publications and books related to the Art of Listening applied to institutional and urban contexts. She cooperates with the Consensus Building Institute (MIT, Boston) and with the CRG (Conflict Resolution and Governance) master program at Amsterdam’s University. Her most read article in English is : “The role of play and humor in creative conflict transformation” , in the Journal of Negotiation, Harvard Law School, April 2008. And her most read book in Italian is “Arte di ascoltare e mondi possibili”, Bruno Mondadori (long seller, since first edition in 2000).